Sukkur Electric Power Company SEPCO Wapda Latest Jobs October 2019 NTS. SEPCO, a Government-owned power company mandated under its license to provide electricity to customers in upper Sindh, is seeking applications from competent and self-motivated candidates for the following vacant posts on one year contract.
Junior Engineer (BPS-17)
Number of Posts
Qualification and Experience
BE / B.Sc Engineering in Electrical / Electronic degree with 1st Division (at least 60% marks) from HEC recognized university and registration with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).
Open Merit=2
Punjab (Open)=13
Punjab (Women)=2
Punjab (Minorities)=1
Punjab (Disabled)=1
Sindh (Urban) (Open)=2
Sindh (Urban) (Women)=1
Sindh (Rural) (Open)=2
Sindh (Rural)( Women)=1
Sindh (Rural) (Minorities)=1
KPK (Open)=2
KPK (Women)=1
KPK (Minorities)=1
Balochistan (Open)=2
Age Limit
21 to 33 years
Revenue Officer / Assistant Manager (Commercial) (BPS-17)
Number of Posts
Qualification and Experience
MA/M.Sc (Statistics, Mathematics, Economics, Computer Sciences) M.Com, MBA, B.Sc (Engineering) from HEC recognized universities and registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (for Engineers only).
Open Merit=1
Punjab (Open)=4
Punjab (Women)=1
Punjab (Minorities)=1
Sindh (Urban)=1
Sindh (Rural)=1
Age Limit
21 to 33 years
Bill Distributor (BPS-07)
Number of Posts
Qualification and Experience
SEPCO Region=4
20% ECQ=1
Age Limit
18 to 30 years
Applicants are advised to read the following instructions carefully before filling the relevant prescribed application forms available on the NTS website with this advertisement.
Instructions and General Conditions
1. All candidates will be selected on merit, observing the quota as per Federal Government policy.
2. Candidates applying in the prescribed application form for the post available on the NTS website will only be considered for shortlisting.
3. Only short-listed candidates will be called for test/interview.
4. No TA/DA will be allowed to candidates for test or interview.
5. Education Degree must be from HEC recognized Universities / concerned Boards.
6. General age relaxation of 5 years has already been included in the age mentioned against each category. No further age relaxation is allowed in the prescribed age limit except 03 years of age relaxation to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Buddhist Community, Recognized Tribes of the Tribal Areas, AJK and Northern Areas and 10 years relaxation in upper age limit for Disabled Persons.
7. Government Servants / WAPDA / NTDCL / GENCOs/ DISCOs employees who have completed 02 years of continuous service on the closing date of receipt of application shall be admissible 10 years age relaxation up to the age of 55 years.
8. Serving employees should apply through proper channel. The candidate will not be allowed to appear in the interview if he fails to produce NOC from the concerned Department.
9. Original and attested copies of all educational documents, Domicile Certificate, CNIC of the applicant, PEC Registration (where applicable) and other relevant certificates/documents, as well as two recent passport size photographs, must be presented by the candidates at the time of interview.
10. The candidate shall be called for interview / further process subject to detail scrutiny of documents and after checking eligibility under the rules. Merely passing of written test does not make the candidate eligible for the further recruitment process.
11. Posts of Bill Distributor (BPS-07) is reserved for candidates having domicile of the Districts under the jurisdiction of SEPCO Region i.e Sukkur / Khairpur / Ghotki / Naushahro Feroze / Dadu / Larkana / Qamber Shahdadkot / Shikarpur / Jacobabad / Kashmore Kandhkot.
12. Candidates who don’t have PEC registration are not eligible to apply for the posts where one of the required qualifications is a bachelor’s degree in engineering.
13. Computer Knowledge (including MS Office, Windows, Internet & E-mail etc) is compulsory for the Junior Engineer and Revenue Officer (Sr 01 & 02).
14. The candidates who have been dismissed or debarred for future employment or having a criminal record are not eligible to apply.
15. The candidates awaiting their result, submitting incomplete applications are not eligible to apply.
16. Candidates applying against Disabled quota must attach Disability Certificate from Government’s Assessment Board for the Disable persons from City / District / Provincial Council for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons.
17. Candidates may contact NTS for any query/inquiry/complaint regarding applications, roll number slip, test center, written test, result, display of the provisional and final list of candidates, etc.
18. The applications submitted by the candidates to NTS will be at the risk and cost of the applicant. Any information found bogus at any stage, during the induction or later in service, will result in termination of candidature or employment thereof.
19. Concealment or misrepresentation of facts may at any stage lead to disqualification of a candidate.
20. Only SEPCO employee’s children will be considered for the appointment against Employee Children Quota/SEPCO Son Quota.
21. SEPCO Employees removed/dismissed/terminated shall not be treated as SEPCO employees for this purpose and their children shall not be entitled to appointment against the quota reserved for the children of SEPCO employees.
22. 20% Quota for the post of Bill Distributor (BPS-07) reserved for SEPCO Employee Children who can apply relevant application form for the posts available on the NTS website and will be considered as per policy/Guidelines/order of merit of employee’s children quota.
23. Children of only SEPCO employees who died after retirement retired and serving is eligible to apply for the post of Bill Distributor.
24. Affidavit duly countersigned by Head of Employees office where served/serving that no other child of the employee under employee’s children quota is working in SEPCO.
25. Affidavit by ex-employee / applicant (in case of death of parents) duly countersigned by Notary Public by given details of the retired family of the employee mentioning their employment status that no other brother/sister has been appointed under employee’s children quota in SEPCO.
26. The written test shall be conducted by National Testing Service and later on an interview by SEPCO Selection Boards.
27. SEPCO reserves the right to cap the recruitment process at any time without assigning any reason.
28. Late submission of applications by Courier Service will have no biding upon SEPCO and M/s National Testing Service (NTS).
29. Mobile Phones will not be allowed in test center premises in any case.
30. Candidates must apply within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
How to Apply for SEPCO Wapda Latest Jobs 2019
1 Application forms and other information are available on the National Testing Service (NTS) website Please visit the NTS website for application forms and other information. Online Registration starts from 7-October-2019.
2. Fill up Online Application Form properly from the NTS website Pay the prescribed test fee in any of the country-wide online branches of ABL, HBL or MCB and get a receipt from the Bank.
3. The candidates must apply within 15-days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
4. Application form which is improperly filled, incomplete, without paid copy of deposit slip and submitted by hand will not be entertained.
5. Test fees for the post of Junior Engineer (BPS-17), Revenue Officer (BPS-17) and Bill Distributor (BPS-07) Rs.370. However, 50% of the test fee to be borne by the candidates and 50% by the SEPCO as per instructions/guidelines of the Establishment Division. Accordingly, candidates shall submit application forms duly filled in along with prescribed fee i.e Rs 185 for the posts of Junior Engineer, Revenue Officer and Bill Distributor in favor of NTS. Remaining 50% fees shall be paid by SEPCO directly to NTS as per agreement.
6. No application shall be entertained at SEPCO Headquarter, therefore, candidates are advised to send their complete prescribed original application form and paid-up copy of deposit slip to NTS Headquarter: Plot 96, Street No 4, H-8/1, Islamabad.
7. Please keep visiting the NTS website regularly for test schedule, updates and results.
8. If you do not find an answer to any of your queries, please call NTS helpline 051-8444441.
The Last Date to Apply Online for Career in SEPCO is 21-October-2019.

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