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FPSC Advertisement October 2018 151 Posts

FPSC Advertisement No 10/2018

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1. Case No.F.4-174/2018-R (10/2018). ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN STATISTICAL OFFICERS (BS-17), PERMANENT, PAKISTAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS, STATISTICS DIVISION, MINISTRY OF STATISTICS. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree or equivalent in Statistics or Economics with Statistics or Mathematics with Statistics or Sociology with Statistics or Commerce with Statistics. MAXIMUM AGE: 32 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit=Eight Punjab=Fifty Six (Open merit=Forty seven, Women quota=Six and Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota= Three), Sindh(Rural)=Thirteen (Open merit= Eleven, Women quota=One and Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota=One), Sindh(Urban)=Eight (Open merit=Seven and Women quota=One), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa= Thirteen (Open merit= Ten, Women quota=Two and Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota=One), Balochistan=Seven (Open merit= Six and Women quota=One), GBFATA = Four and AJK=Two (Open merit=One and Women quota=One (Both male and female candidates are eligible).

2. Case No.F.4-200/2018-R (10/2018). EIGHT INSPECTORS (TECH) (BS-16), PERMANENT, INTELLIGENCE BUREAU. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE: (i) B. Tech. in Electronics or equivalent in relevant subject from Government recognized Institute/ University. (ii) Two (2) years post qualification practical experience in the field of Electronics. OR Retired JCOs/ Retired Foreman of Corps of Signals with ten (10) years experience in the related field. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit=One, Punjab=Three, Sindh(Rural)=One, Sindh(Urban)=One Balochistan= One and GBFATA=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible). Note: (i) To shortlist the candidates at the first stage MCQs Screening Test shall be held. Thereafter subjective type Technical Proficiency test of 100 marks will be conducted for shortlisted candidates at the ratio of 1:8 (eight candidates per post) with qualifying standard of 50% marks. (ii) Candidates finally qualified in proficiency test, will be called for Psychological Assessment & Interview.

3. Case No.F.4-201/2018-R (10/2018). THREE INSPECTORS (BS-16), PERMANENT, ANTI NARCOTICS FORCE, MINISTRY OF NARCOTICS CONTROL. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade‘C’ Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification recognized by HEC. EXPERIENCE: Two years post qualification experience in Law Enforcement Agency/ Security Agency. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab=Two (Open merit=One and Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=One) and Sindh (Urban) (Women quota) =One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Note: Experience in Law Enforcement Agencies/Security Agencies would mean Government Agencies or Public Sector Law Enforcement Agencies.

4. Case No.F.4-202/2018-R (10/2018). THIRTEEN CHIEF STATISTICAL OFFICERS (BS-18), PERMANENT, PAKISTAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS, STATISTICS DIVISION, MINISTRY OF STATISTICS.MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in Statistics or Economics with Statistics or Mathematics with Statistics or Sociology with Statistics or Commerce with Statistics. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification professional experience in the required field in Government/ Semi-Government/ Banks, Public/ Private Organizations relaxable by one year for 1st Class Master’s Degree holders. MAXIMUM AGE: 35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit=One Punjab=Six (Open merit=Five and Women quota=One), Sindh(Rural)=One, Sindh(Urban)=Two, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa= One, Balochistan=One and GBFATA=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).

5. Case No. F.4-207/2018-R (10/2018) DEPUTY CAPTAIN SUPERINTENDENT (BS-19), TEMPORARY, LIKELY TO CONTINUE INDEFINITELY, PAKISTAN MARINE ACADEMY, KARACHI, MINISTRY OF MARITIME AFFAIRS. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Certificate of competency as Master Foreign Going or equivalent Naval qualifications. EXPERIENCE: Two (2) years experience in Training Establishment for sailors or an equal number of Sea Service in the Rank. MAXIMUM AGE: 50 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab (Both male and female candidates are eligible).

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6. Case No. F.4-208/2018-R (10/2018). LEGISLATIVE TRANSLATION OFFICER (BS-18), PERMANENT, MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Urdu as an elective subject at Bachelor level from a University/ College recognized by the HEC. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification experience of translation from English to Urdu. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).

7. Case No.F.4-209/2018-R (10/2018). THREE TRAINED GRADUATE SCIENCE TEACHERS (MALE) (BS-16 PLUS 25% SPECIAL PAY), PERMANENT, EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, GILGIT BALTISTAN, MINISTRY OF KASHMIR AFFAIRS AND GILGIT BALTISTAN. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ B.Sc. Degree with BS.Ed. / B.Ed. or equivalent qualification from a University recognized by the HEC. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Gilgit Baltistan (Minorities/Non-Muslims quota).

8. Case No.F.4-215/2018-R (10/2018). DEPUTY DIRECTOR (MEDICAL) (BS-18), PERMANENT, FEDERAL GENERAL HOSPITAL, CHAK SHAHZAD, ISLAMABAD, MINISTRY OF NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES, REGULATIONS & COORDINATION. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE: (i) MBBS degree recognized by PM&DC. (ii) Postgraduate higher diploma in Public Health/ Health Services Administration recognized by PM&DC with three (3) years post graduate experience or postgraduate lower diploma in Public Health/Health Services Administration recognized by PM&DC with five (5) years post graduate experience. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).

9. Case No.F.4-217/2018-R. (10/2018). NINE ASSISTANT PRIVATE SECRETARIES (BS-16), PERMANENT, NAVAL HEADQUARTERS, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: (i) Second Class or Grade‘C’ Bachelor’s degree from a University recognized by HEC. (ii) Minimum shorthand speed: 100 w.p.m. and typing speed: 50 w.p.m. (iii) Must be computer literate. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit = One, Punjab= Four, Sindh (Rural)=One and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa= Three. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Note-I: Computer literacy means proficiency in M.S Office (M.S Word, PowerPoint & Excel).
Note-II: Finally Preselected candidates will be called for Psychological Assessment & Interview.

10. Case No.F.4-230/2018-R (10/2018). RESEARCH OFFICER (BS-17), PERMANENT, ARDE, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE PRODUCTION. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering in Electronics. AGE LIMIT: 22-32 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Sindh(Urban). (Both male and female candidates are eligible).

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Last Date to Apply for FPSC Advertisement 22-October-2018

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FPSC Advertisement published on on 4-October-2018

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