Government of Punjab Agriculture Department Jobs 2019 Apply Online

Government of Punjab Agriculture Department Jobs 2019 Apply Online.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates domiciled in Punjab for recruitment on contract basis under the ADB funded development project “Command Area Development of Jalalpur Irrigation Project (CAD-JIP)” for project period up to 30th June 2023 at Directorate General Agriculture (Water Management). Punjab, Lahore/field offices.


Procurement Specialist

Number of Posts


Age Limit

30-45 years

Lump Sum Pay Package

Rs 200,000 per month

Qualification and Experience

Master degree in Project Management. Law & Finance/Economics/Commerce/MBA or equivalent from HEC recognized University with at least five (05) years post qualification experience of Procurement Management, Planning, Implementation Monitoring of large projects of which at least two (02) years of working should be on procurement preferably under the donor-funded projects using donor’s guidelines.


Contract Management Specialist

Number of Posts


Age Limit

30-45 years

Lump Sum Pay Package

Rs 200,000 per month

Qualification and Experience

Graduate Degree in Law (16 years education) from an accredited College or University with at least five (05) years post qualification experience of Contract Management.


Deputy Director Agriculture (OFWM)/Liaison Officer

Number of Posts


Age Limit

25-35 years



Qualification and Experience

B.Sc Agriculture Engineering OR B.Sc (Honors) Agriculture with 5 years experience in the field of Water Management.


Assistant Director (Technical)

Number of Posts


Age Limit

26-35 years



Qualification and Experience

B.SC. Agriculture Engineering (Second Division) from a recognized University: and Five years experience in the field of Water Management.


Water Management Officer

Number of Posts


Age Limit

21-30 years



Qualification and Experience

B.Sc Agriculture Engineering OR B.Sc (Honors) Agriculture acquired after completion of 4 years post intermediate course of studies.



Number of Posts


Age Limit

21-35 years



Qualification and Experience

Bachelor degree in Commerce (B.Com) with 2nd division and two years experience in the field of Accounts. Preference will be given to candidates who worked in the foreign-funded project.

Note for Government of Punjab Agriculture Department Jobs 2019

1. The employees of Government/Semi-Government/Autonomous Bodies working under the administrative control of Punjab Government are not entitled to apply against the posts of lump sum pay package.

2. Relaxation in upper/lower age limit is not admissible for the posts with lump sum payment mentioned at Sr No 1 and 2.

3. 05 years relaxation in upper age limit is admissible for the posts with BPS mentioned at Sr. No. 3 to 6.

4. In case of other relevant degrees, the equivalence certificate issued by the HEC will be provided by the candidate.

5. The contract appointments are temporary in nature, non-transferable, job/post specific, non-pensionable and conferring no right for regularization. The contract appointment will be initially for 01 year which can be extended up to the project period with the approval of the competent authority.

6. In case the project period is reduced/enhanced, contract appointment order may be amended accordingly with the approval of the competent authority.

7. Retired persons are not eligible. The persons who are already in Government service including contract employees should apply through proper channel. In the case of selection, a confirmed civil servant shall retain his lien against his original substantive post.

8. The recruitments will be made strictly on merit on all Punjab basis in accordance with the rules, selection criteria and other provisions of Recruitment Policy, Contract Appointment Policy, 2004 and project PC-I.

9. The applications on prescribed form (which can be downloaded from ( addressed to the Secretary Agriculture, Government of Punjab, Civil Secretariat, 2-Bank Road (Old P&D Building), Lahore clearly indicating the post applied for along with Curriculum Vitae (CV), three passport size recent photographs and attested copies of all the relevant documents, CNIC/certificates/degrees, which include detailed marks certificates including CGPA, Hafiz-e-Quran Certificate, position in Board/University, issued by the authorized Institute/Madrissa, release orders for Ex-Servicemen issued by the concerned authority/Institute and must reach by 30 April, 2019. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered and only eligible candidates will be called for test/interview. No TA/DA shall be paid.

10. The candidates can also apply at However, the hard copy of application form along with complete attested relevant documents is mandatory to submit to this department.

11. List of eligible candidates shall be displayed on the Notice Board 03 days prior to the interview in addition to the interview call letters. In case of any query/clarification, the candidate may approach the Additional Secretary (Planning) Government of the Punjab, Agriculture Department, Lahore at least two days prior to the interview date.

12. List of successful candidates shall be displayed on the Notice Board in addition to the issuance of appointment offer letters after the approval of the recommendations of Departmental Selection Committee by the competent authority.

13. The competent authority has the right to increase or decrease the number of posts.

14. The candidates selected under the project are not entitled to the benefit of any pay protection.

15. No post falls under the quota reserved for Women, Minorities and Disabled Persons.

Application Form

Application Form is available for download on Government of Punjab Agriculture Department website

Government of Punjab Agriculture Department Jobs 2019 Apply Online
Government of Punjab Agriculture Department Jobs 2019 Apply Online

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