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DHA Suffa University Jobs Faculty Jobs 2018

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DHA Suffa University Jobs Faculty Jobs November 2018


Civil Engineering

All disciplines

Mechanical Engineering

Instrumentation and Controls

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Structural Design and Dynamics

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Power System and Electrical Machines

Digital Signal/Image Processing, Embedded Systems

Solid State Devices, VLSI Design, and Digital Electronics

Basic Sciences




Computer Science

Data Science/Bioinformatics


Discrete Maths/Deep Learning


Artificial Intelligence/Parallel Computing

Language/Image Processing

Social Network Analysis

Management Sciences



General Management


Supply Chain Management



Pakistan Studies

Islamic Studies

The University also seeks applications for the positions of Lab Engineers/Instructors in the areas of Mechanical, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics and Chemistry. The candidates must possess Bachelors degree (16 years of education) in the relevant field from a renowned HEC recognized University/Institute. Candidates possessing relevant experience, excellent knowledge of relevant IT applications and an outstanding academic record shall b preferred.

Send the letter of interest, current resume, copies of degrees, transcripts and experience certificates with duly filled DHA Suffa University DSU Faculty Application form downloadable from DSU website.

Dha Suffa University Jobs Faculty Jobs

Source for DHA Suffa University Jobs Faculty Jobs Express-News

For Jobs in College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Click Here

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