Government of Pakistan, Higher Education Commission HEC Jobs 2022 Latest Advertisement.
Job Description
Sr | Posts | Qualification | Experience | Age Limit |
1 | Accountant (BPS-16) | B.Com / BBA | 3 years | 21-35 years |
2 | Senior Cashier (BPS-16) | B.Com / BBA | 5 years | 21-35 years |
3 | Assistant Audit Officer (BPS-16) | M.Com / MBA / ICMA / B.Com with ICMA (Inter) / CA (Inter) | 1-2 years | 21-35 years |
4 | AC Supervisor (BPS-16) | Matric with DAE | 8 years | 22-40 years |
5 | Assistant (BPS-15) | Graduate, Six weeks IT course from NITB | 2 years | 20-35 years |
6 | House Keeping Supervisor (BPS-15) | Graduate with one-year diploma in hotel management | 5 years | 22-45 years |
7 | Cook (BPS-05) | Middle Pass | 5 years | 18-30 years |
8 | Attendant (BPS-01) | Middle Pass | Relevant | 18-30 years |
9 | Dishwasher (BPS-01) | Middle Pass | 1 year | 18-30 years |
10 | Naib Qasid (BPS-01) | Matric | Relevant | 18-30 years |
11 | Sanitary Worker (BPS-01) | Literate | 3 years | 18-30 years |
Job Type
How to Apply Online for HEC Jobs 2022
1. Candidates from Serial 1 to 6 are required to apply online on Higher Education Commission HEC webite. The link is given below.
Serial 7 to 11
Candidates from serial 7 to 11 are required to send the following documents at the address given below.
- Application Form (available on
- Attested Copy of Educational documents
- Experience certificates
Application Processing Fee for Serial 1 to 6
1. Application Processing Fee i.e Rs 600 to be deposited in the online Account No 17427900133401 of HEC in Habib Bank Limited HBL.
2. Receipt of Paid Fee to be uploaded on HEC website.
3. No application processing fee is required for serial 7 to 11.
Address to Send Application Form
Muhammad Shafiq
Assistant Director (HRM)
Higher Education Commission
Sector H-9, Islamabad
Phone: 051-90401423
Email: [email protected]
For technical assistance call: 051-111-119-432, 0334-1119432
Terms and Conditions
1. Candidates already in Government service should apply through proper channel.
2. Five years age relaxation has already been included. Further age relaxation will be given as per Government rules.
3. Interview of eligible candidates could be arranged via audio / video conference.
4. No TA/DA will be admissible for test/interview.
The Last Date to Apply is 10-January-2022.