Robowaiter Interfacing and Integration in Project

Robowaiter Interfacing and Integration includes Robowaiter Interfacing and Integration Sensors Interfacing For IR sensor interfacing we have used serial monitor in Arduino. The serial monitor displays the value read by the sensor on a window. So by using these values, we set threshold value. IR line tracker Interfacing IR line tracking sensors give the following … Read more

Robowaiter Modules used in Robowaiter Project

In this section, we will describe, in detail, the purpose and working of Robowaiter Modules used in the project. Robowaiter Modules The H-Bridge Modules The first in the Robowaiter Modules is the H-Bridge. H-Bridges are basically used for controlling the direction of the Motors. The direction of rotation of Motor is reversed by changing the … Read more

Robowaiter Interfacing Circuitry Proteus

H Bridge

Robowaiter Interfacing Circuitry The H-Bridge The H-Bridge comes first in Robowaiter Interfacing Circuitry. The H-Bridge is mainly used for applying PWM to the motors. The following diagram shows the interfacing of the H-Bridge with Arduino. The H-Bridge pins can only be used for PWM control if we connect its input pins to PWM pins of Arduino. … Read more

Robowaiter Hardware used in the Project

The actual implementation started after setting the methodology. The implementation began with setting forth a Robowaiter hardware design for the robot chassis and then building upon it as we progressed. Robowaiter Hardware The Chassis The chassis needed to be strong, durable and light at the same time, therefore keeping these points in mind we choose … Read more

Robowaiter: Arduino Mega


We used Arduino Mega 2560 as the microcontroller. The tasks divide as each module would perform its specified function either giving input to the Arduino or receiving output from it. This made the design more manageable. The keypad assigns the destination. The sensors provide data to Arduino Mega which in turn process it and control the H-bridges … Read more